its not just about the food

Kim Hynes Health & Wellness Blog

If you are looking for food freedom, peace with your body and ways to elevate your health without all the rules, you are in the right place.

You can have progress in your health journey and be kind to yourself and have fun all at the same time.

Meet Your Health Goals With Intentional Rest

Everyone feels hurried, overly busy and overwhelmed. Let’s relax before we begin. Take a deep breath, drop your shoulders and  take a moment for yourself. Yes, right now.   Breathe in and out for a few rounds.

Now, you will really be able to get the most out of this article. In a world that glorifies constant busyness, it's easy to overlook the toll it takes on our physical and mental health. So many of my clients who are “doing all the things” to find hormonal balance and create changes in their midlife bodies, forget this one key ingredient. 

In my work with women in midlife, I often witness the impact of societal expectations on their well-being. The constant pressure to conform to a look, to a way of life or to people please can lead to emotional eating, stress, and a sense of not feeling good enough. It's so important for you to recognize how your daily habits and environment affect your hormones, including sex hormones, thyroid, insulin, and cortisol.  These are the ones ruling your life and body.

How lack of rest affects your body and mind

Chronic stress, that comes from your constant pursuit of doing more, not only affects you physically but also takes a toll on your mental health. Your body may feel like it's breaking down and you become less motivated to work out and move because you are so worn out.  Your mind can become cluttered and your thoughts become negative when you are too busy and constantly stressed.  You may not even realize the underlying stress until you are halfway through the wine, chips or cookies.

It’s important for you to set boundaries and you can do it gently and directly, not only for personal well-being but also for fostering healthier relationships.  Everyone around you will benefit from you clearly stating your needs, but you will feel empowered every time you share what you want and when you say no to things you don’t really want or need to do.

Add in the podcast episode on people pleasing

Consequences of no rest

Your body cannot manage the stress like it did in your 20s and 30s.   Chronic stress can lead to inflammation, hormonal imbalances, and even impact digestion. I've encountered clients whose acid reflux, seemingly unrelated to diet, was exacerbated by high stress levels. 

It also impacts your body and weight when you are eating because of emotions and to escape the stressful feelings when you are overwhelmed.  Without rest, your cortisol rises and can also impact your blood sugar.  In midlife, you are more prone to being insulin resistant and may gain weight easier.

Mental health also takes a hit and can affect your thoughts and how you communicate with others.  When you do not take time to be still and rest, you may make decisions on the fly.  You may also blame yourself for faulty and challenging conversations when it really is just a signal to you to take it easy and find some time for yourself.

The difference between rest and sleep

Now, let's talk about the distinction between rest and sleep. Quality sleep is absolutely necessary.  This is not just your standard 8 hours, but really getting an appropriate amount of deep sleep.  Waiting until bedtime to rest is too late, but it is very important to have quiet and stillness in the hour before sleep to foster a deeper sleep.

In addition to sleep is the need for rest.  They are both important and help each other.  It involves giving your body a break from constant activity and allowing your mindt o unwind. Reflecting on purpose becomes challenging when we're caught in the whirlwind of a busy and hectic life.  Your purpose, whatever it may be, requires tuning into your body, which can only happen when you intentionally carve out moments of rest.

Reflecting on your needs becomes challenging when you're always on the go. This lack of self-awareness can lead to you living on autopilot.  You may normalize symptoms like acid reflux, sleep disturbances, and changes in weight without addressing the root cause.  The root cause may be stress and you have to address those moments frequently throughout the day so you don’t end up in the alcohol or ice cream.  You can have both, but to enjoy them, not as a medicinal stress reliever. 

Rest vs. Laziness

You are not lazy if you need rest.   Taking moments to read a book, enjoy a cup of coffee alone, or simply sitting in stillness are beautiful forms of rest, not laziness. It's crucial to recognize and value these moments because they help you be the real you and help you  care for others.

I want to share a book that has deeply impacted me, "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" by John Mark Comer. It explores the idea of slowing down, eliminating hurry, and its profound impact on our lives. I am loosely quoting this favorite phrase from the book, “In a world where we pick up our phones more often than we talk to God, it's a powerful reminder to prioritize rest, stillness and peace”.

Creating intentional moments of rest requires effort and planning. Set alarms, schedule breaks, and be present in those moments. It's not about being a meditation expert; it's about being still, embracing the moment, and giving yourself the peace you deserve.  Just sitting and taking a moment.

Taking a break, being still and resting are amazing forms of self care.  Embrace the beauty around you, notice the small joys, and allow yourself the grace of slowing down. Remember, you are enough, worthy of peace, and deserving of rest.

If you are interested in learning more about coaching with me, please schedule a free 30 minute call.  I’d love to hear what you’re going through and help you create a plan for your health, to get control around food, to balance your hormones and to feel more peace in your life.

