its not just about the food

Kim Hynes Health & Wellness Blog

If you are looking for food freedom, peace with your body and ways to elevate your health without all the rules, you are in the right place.

You can have progress in your health journey and be kind to yourself and have fun all at the same time.

Your Ultimate Holiday Guide to Happiness, Health and Joy

You don’t have all the presents yet, the cards are not in the mail, the house is not clean for guests and you’re nervous about how your husband’s mom is going to get along with your sister.  It’s amazing to me that the most joyous time of year is actually a very stressful time of year for many.  Whether you are worried about meeting expectations, feeling unhealthy after indulging or how things will go with family members, I am offering you some ways to make this year the best holiday ever.

Here are some holiday eating and lifestyle tips to help you feel nourished, mentally stable, full of energy, able to handle any comment thrown your way  and able to really enjoy the season.  

Holiday Eating Tip #1:

Reasons to Prioritize Health:

Picture this – a holiday gathering where you actually savor each bite without the worry of overeating.  You get to try everything, but you don’t feel bloated or like you need a nap after each big meal.  By staying in tune with your body, you not only enjoy the festive feast but also avoid the need for a January health overhaul.  Slow it down, take in the conversation, smell and taste your food.  There is plenty and no need to eat it too quickly.

Don’t “save yourself” for the big meal by not eating all day.    No need to skip meals, feel weak, or battle anxiety. Eat your regular breakfast and lunch and keep blood sugar in mind.  Having some protein and fiber will help you keep your energy and mood up.  Remember, you don't need to "earn" your holiday meal.  You can also indulge in your traditional favorites.  Again, just take your time and really notice the taste, texture, small and then you may even eat less in addition to really loving that treat this year with no guilt and shame

Holiday Health Tip #2: Water and Alcohol:

Reasons to Prioritize Hydration:

Dehydration can make you feel tired, moody, have more cravings and mess with your digestion.  You may find yourself eating more Christmas cookies when really you just need water.   Prevent dehydration-related lethargy and those regretful trips to the sugary and fatty foods. Plan to drink as much water as you can especially if you are enjoying alcohol, too.

Tips for Dealing with Alcohol:

If you are enjoying alcohol this season, sip slowly, stay mindful, and avoid the pitfalls of alcohol-induced overeating. When your inhibitions are down, you may eat more than you planned and you can spare yourself those unexpected and potentially amusing verbal slips with relatives.

Holiday Health Tip #3: Get Moving!‍

Reasons to Stay Active:

This is why you will want to keep moving during the holidays:

Keep up energy level

Blood sugar stabilization

Keep digestion flowing smoothly (many people report their bathroom habits change during the holidays)

No January exercise reboot necessary!

Tips for Staying Active:

After, taking a walk will help you with that holiday, stabilize blood sugar, make room for pies, and get a break from the football game on TV. You may even need  a break from the company and relatives. Feel the endorphins lifting your mood, making holiday and family stress more manageable.

Holiday Tip #4: Reduce Stress

Tips for Managing Stress:

Set realistic expectations, delegate tasks and ask for help, and shop online to ease the pressure. Embrace the unexpected because things are never perfect and neither are people.  Focus on what is going well and have gratitude for that is going well. Slow down, be present in every moment, and remember, if things go off track, you can get back on your routine the very next day.

Take a break (even excuse yourself to go to the bathroom) and breathe.  Tapping is also one of my favorite ways to calm the nervous system and release tension.  You can handle anything when you bring your cortisol down and take a minute for yourself.  Say to yourself, “I choose peace”.

Wishing you a happy, peaceful and healthy holiday.

