its not just about the food

Kim Hynes Health & Wellness Blog

If you are looking for food freedom, peace with your body and ways to elevate your health without all the rules, you are in the right place.

You can have progress in your health journey and be kind to yourself and have fun all at the same time.

Beyond the Scale: New Year's Resolutions that Truly Matter for Women Over 40

Hello and Happy New Year! As we step into another year, it’s that time again – the season of New Year's resolutions. Traditionally, these resolutions often revolve around losing weight, hitting the gym every day, or sticking to strict diets. But let's be honest, how often do these resolutions actually stick? Over 50% of women will be off their plan by March.  And more importantly, do they genuinely add value to your life?

This year, I want to share a different approach that actually add to your life, especially for  women over 40. It's about time you shift your focus from resolutions that often stem from societal pressures to those that truly enrich your life.  

Let's talk about anti-resolution resolutions. These aren't about depriving yourself or setting unrealistic standards. Instead, they’re about adding joy, strength, and wellness to your life in a sustainable and fulfilling way.

As a nutritional health coach focusing on women who are navigating the complexities of menopause and life over 40, I've seen firsthand how traditional resolutions can lead to a cycle of stress and disappointment. That's why it's crucial to choose resolutions that empower you, not restrict you. It's about building a lifestyle that feels good, where success is measured by how you feel, not just by the numbers on a scale.

So, are you ready to join me in setting resolutions that are kind, nurturing, and truly beneficial for your mind and body?

1. Add Strength, Not Stress

Let's kick off this year by focusing on adding strength, not stress. As you get older, maintaining muscle mass is most important for your overall health. So, instead of setting an unattainable fitness goal, make it a point to add some form of strength training to your routine.  Adding muscle helps with feeling strong, helps bone density, improves mood and mental health and helps regulate blood sugar. It also helps you feel good about your body from the inside out.

2. Nourishing Over Restricting

You know how traditional diets focus on cutting out food groups? This year’s choice is to add in nourishing food.  Choose balanced meals that include protein, fiber, and carbs. When we focus on adding nourishment, we naturally find ourselves moving away from emotional and stress eating.  I am seeing that my clients who are focusing on these are feeling full, satisfied and have enough energy to live a fulfilled life.  You can eat intuitively, but start with the basics and make sure you are eating enough.

3. Walk More, Worry Less

Walking is such an underrated exercise. It's not just about weight loss; it's about mental clarity, emotional stability, and physical mobility. It also helps stabilize blood sugar.  This year, let’s make walking a regular part of our lives. It's about feeling good and enjoying the journey, not just the destination. Pay attention to the little joys you notice while you’re walking.

4. Tune Into Your Body

This is a big one. Tuning into your body means understanding its signals – whether you're hungry, full, or just thirsty. It's about eating mindfully and recognizing what your body needs, rather than following a rigid diet plan. Remember, everybody and every woman’s body is unique, so listen to yours.  When you diet heavily, you oursource those signals to the diet plan and to what other people are doing.

5. Health Check-Ups

Make sure to keep up with regular health check-ups. It's not just about weight or appearance; it's about knowing your numbers, understanding your hormone levels, and staying on top of your overall health.  Don’t skip those health appointments.  When you have a baseline and know where you stand, you can make improvements. Bloodwork is powerful and can help you make changes instead of just looking at the scale.

6. Letting Go of the Past

Whether it's clothes that no longer fit or old habits that don’t serve you, it's time to let them go. Focus on who you are now and what makes you feel good today.  Remind yourself that your limiting beliefs are not your voice.  What was said to you regarding your body or your worth are not the truth.  Your body and mind will hold onto them as if they are true. You decide your worth and that you deserve to feel happy and healthy. I find that when my clients let go of limiting beliefs, they are more successful and remove more obstacles to getting healthy.

7. Ditch the Comparison Trap

You are unique, and so is your journey.  Please stop  comparing yourself to others and embrace your own path. Your value doesn’t lie in how you look compared to someone else or in the scale; it's in how you feel about yourself.  You can improve your health at your own pace.  Slower is more sustainable anyway.

8. Embrace Comfort

Find clothes that make you feel comfortable and confident. It's not about the size or the label; it's about how you feel in them. Celebrate your body right now.  Letting go of sizes and the number on the scale can be so freeing.  Your clothes feel good when your body feels good.  Make that one of your metrics instead of the scale.

9. Minimize Toxicity

This includes toxic relationships and unhelpful diets. This year, let go of negative influences in your life. Surround yourself with positivity and choose routines that uplift you. It's okay to set boundaries and prioritize your well-being.  It’s OK to say no and do what feels good for you.

10. Be Kind to Yourself

Please practice self-compassion. Your health journey is about progress, not perfection. Celebrate the small wins, get support and surround yourself with people who want the best for you.  That starts with you and how you speak to yourself.  Be compassionate and loving to yourself on a daily basis.  You deserve it.

As we step into this new year, remember that it's not about shrinking yourself – it's about expanding in strength, confidence, and joy. Nourish your mind, body and soul in a way that adds to your life  in meaningful ways. 

Here's to a YOUR year of growth, health, and happiness…on YOUR terms.

