its not just about the food

Kim Hynes Health & Wellness Blog

If you are looking for food freedom, peace with your body and ways to elevate your health without all the rules, you are in the right place.

You can have progress in your health journey and be kind to yourself and have fun all at the same time.

Posts in food restriction
Break Free from Scale Obsession: Finding Authentic Body Positivity Without Constant Weighing

I know the scale can feel like a judge, giving a verdict on your day and eating behavior based on that single number. I am going to challenge you to shift your perspective on the scale and its importance in your health journey.   Imagine if you could look at your health, life and progress in other non scale ways that truly reflect how you feel, how your clothes fit, or how much energy you have. It may sound impossible after being subjected to diet culture for so many years.

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Beyond the Scale: New Year's Resolutions that Truly Matter for Women Over 40

Traditionally, these resolutions often revolve around losing weight, hitting the gym every day, or sticking to strict diets. But let's be honest, how often do these resolutions actually stick? Over 50% of women will be off their plan by March.  And more importantly, do they genuinely add value to our lives?

This year, I want to share a different approach that actually ADD to your life, especially for  women over 40. It's about time you shift your focus from resolutions that often stem from societal pressures to those that truly enrich your life.  

Let's talk about anti-resolution resolutions. These aren't about depriving yourself or setting unrealistic standards. Instead, they’re about adding joy, strength, and wellness to your life in a sustainable and fulfilling way.

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Your Ultimate Holiday Guide to Happiness, Health and Joy

You don’t have all the presents yet, the cards are not in the mail, the house is not clean for guests and you’re nervous about how your husband’s mom is going to get along with your sister.  It’s amazing to me that the most joyous time of year is actually a very stressful time of year for many.  Whether you are worried about meeting expectations, feeling unhealthy after indulging or how things will go with family members, I am offering you some ways to make this year the best holiday ever.

Here are some holiday eating and lifestyle tips to help you feel nourished, mentally stable, full of energy, able to handle any comment thrown your way  and able to really enjoy the season.  

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How Self-love is a Game Changer in Your Midlife Health Journey

I was doing “all the things”.  I was running, lifting weights, eating a whole food diet, but I still wasn’t feeling healthy, energized or myself.  I felt disconnected and checked out.

Self-love is understanding your needs and allowing yourself the necessary time and structure to take care of yourself.

Self-love is the glue that holds all of your health together. It's the secret ingredient that makes every choice, every habit, and every action more potent, doable and even enjoyable.

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How to avoid overeating forbidden foods in the house:  Letting go of willpower and discipline and giving yourself permission to eat

You know, those treats and snacks that you just can't resist, and you've been told you should avoid at all costs.  Those foods that you say, “I just can’t have them in the house or I will eat all of them”.  Let’s change your perspective on forbidden foods and discover a more balanced way of enjoying the foods we love without guilt or stress.

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6 things to manage before going on a diet to manage your body

Feel the pressure to have a “summer body” each year? Or maybe you want to lose weight quickly for a wedding or party?  Taking care of your body is a crucial aspect of leading a healthy and fulfilling life. However, it's so important to understand that managing your body goes beyond just food and working out. Here are 6 things to manage before going on that diet to help you feel even better.

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5 Things that are hindering your health and weight loss journey

If you feel like you are unmotivated or climbing up a huge mountain during your health journey, check out these 5 things that aren’t serving you.

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