its not just about the food

Kim Hynes Health & Wellness Blog

If you are looking for food freedom, peace with your body and ways to elevate your health without all the rules, you are in the right place.

You can have progress in your health journey and be kind to yourself and have fun all at the same time.

Fight the afternoon slump!


Are you feeling that afternoon slump between 2 and 5 every day?

It’s 3pm and you are feeling brain fog, sleepy, lack of motivation and you’re craving sugar and caffeine.

Our natural inclination is to grab coffee and a cookie to make it through the afternoon with the kids, that tough project at work or just a mundane afternoon in the office.

Why do we feel this way every afternoon?

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It’s part of our natural circadian rhythm, but also can be caused by poor eating habits, lack of sleep, blood sugar levels, lack of movement and exercise, and dehydration.

Some people even feel it when they are just bored, sitting still for too long or stressed at their jobs.  Moms feel it after being with the kids all day.

Our cortisol (stress hormone) is naturally higher in the morning and decreases toward evening.  We want it to go down so we can sleep at night, but sometimes it’s hard to make it to dinner without eating, having caffeine or napping.

After the caffeine has worn off and your cortisol is dropping, what can you do to beat the slump?

Here are some tips to make it through your day with energy and for you to feel more productive.

Take a quick walk.  Moving your body will also get your blood moving, clear your head, help you stay away from the cookies and help get your steps in for the day.

Energy creates more energy.  You have heard “a body in motion stays in motion” and “a body at rest stays at rest”. Keep moving to up your energy level. Not only does moving give you a brain boost, but research shows it can also help with anxiety and depression.


Get some fresh air. See the sunshine.  Change your view. It’s important to see some new scenery when you start to get tired. Stretch at your desk if you can’t walk..

Getting sunshine can bring up your mood and give you the quick break you need from your afternoon routine. A vitamin D boost doesn’t hurt, either.

Make it a team or family event to get out for a few minutes. If you can’t leave the building, walk the halls or walk to the restroom for a break.

Drink water.  Sometimes our lethargic feelings and cravings are because we are dehydrated.  Dehydration not only causes fatigue, but will make your cravings for sugar worse. Drink water all day to stay ahead of dehydration.

Lift weights. Exercising and resistance training daily helps keep your energy level up.  People think they will be more tired if they exercise in the morning, but it creates more energy. Even if it is a mini workout, get movement in before work. If you can, work out at lunch. You will have more energy in the afternoon and not be tempted to eat out for lunch.

Eat healthy and light. Keep healthy snacks like fruit and nuts on hand or keep chopped vegetables and hummus around. Don't eat too much at lunch.  Digestion takes work! Eat lots of real, whole food. Processed food and sugar will make you tired, cause inflammation and make it hard to work. Real food is full of energy.

Avoid sugar and processed foods. We naturally turn to sugar for comfort and energy. Try to avoid snacking on cookies, chocolate and sugary snacks. You will keep having cravings and create a daily habit of turning to sugar to feel better. You will just crash again later.

Cut down on caffeine to avoid the big crash later in the day. Caffeine has a 6-8 hour half life in the body so avoid it during your slump in the afternoon.  You will want to sleep at night or you will be crashing even harder the next day.  It’s a vicious cycle.

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Power nap.  Don’t be afraid of a small nap, but napping more than 20 minutes can make you very groggy and it will be hard to sleep at night. A short power nap can be very refreshing and help your brain and body feel energized.

Meditate. Taking a moment to put space and quiet in your day can be revitalizing. If you are not used to meditating, try an app like Calm or Headspace to get started. Slowing down and being more mindful can also help with mindless afternoon snacking.

Use essential oils. Smell some peppermint or citrus oil for a boost.  Great quality essential oils can affect the part of the brain that signals tiredness and stress.


Clear the clutter. Keeping your desk clean and less chaotic will reduce mental fatigue.  Your brain gets tired when it sees clutter and it will be more difficult for you to make decisions when you see the mess out of the corner of your eye. 

It also causes stress if you know you need to finish it. Be careful to tackle one thing at a time. Multi-tasking is not really a thing anymore and it makes you more tired and stressed. Slowing down and being present with your tasks can actually help you accomplish more and stay away from the afternoon emotional eating.

Now you can power through the afternoon slump!

Stay energized and be well!

