its not just about the food

Kim Hynes Health & Wellness Blog

If you are looking for food freedom, peace with your body and ways to elevate your health without all the rules, you are in the right place.

You can have progress in your health journey and be kind to yourself and have fun all at the same time.

Hey Valentine! Treat yourself without candy and food

Do ever feel like it’s hard to stay on track from Halloween to Valentine’s Day?

We use all these moments and holidays as reasons to indulge, but what if we can take care of ourselves without candy, cake, cupcakes and Valentine treats?  When we indulge over and over again, it becomes a habit and it’s hard to kick the cravings.  It's a vicious cycle.

Sugar is so addicting. Our minds, taste buds and guts get trained to want sugar. Valentine’s Day is a great time to put a stop to the addiction and treat ourselves in healthy, loving ways.

 Valentine’s Day is a day of marketing and we often feel our worth by the gifts we give or receive. The gift of health, peace and self care is worth so much more than the candy, chocolate, balloons and stuffed animals.

Today, take care of you and have a date with yourself.  Indulge, but love yourself without sugar this year.

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 Here are 14 ways to take care of yourself without feeling guilty and

these "treats" will last longer than candy:

1.  Get a massage.  This is the ultimate self care and human touch is just as important as having your muscles worked on.  

2.  Take a walk in nature.  If you live near the woods, enjoy a trail walk and if you can get to the beach, enjoy the ocean.  It’s very meditative and great to get your daily steps in. Fresh air and walking help us sleep better at night.  

3.  Buy that book you have been wanting to read and curl up on the couch with it.  Getting away and escaping into a story is good for the soul.  

4.  Buy yourself flowers.  Why wait for someone else to do it?  Even better, buy a plant because they last longer.  Plants and flowers add life to our living space.  

5.  FaceTime or Skype a friend and catch up.  Connection is a great way to take care of you.  If that friend lives in town, make a date for lunch or dinner.  

6.  Binge watch that show you love.  Sometimes you just need to veg out to some episodes of reality TV, the latest music contest show, comedy shows or whatever show you have been watching.  Just be careful to snack on healthy treats like nuts, veggies and hummus or guacamole and grain free chips.  

7. Get your nails done or get a facial.  Having someone pamper you feels good. Let someone else take care of you today.  

8. Take a bath.  Use some relaxing bath salts and read your book or put music on.  Get fancy and light a candle.

9.  Make yourself an amazing, healthy meal.  Eat it slowly and mindfully. Savor every bite.   Nourishing your body equals self love.

10.  Go to your favorite coffee shop and people watch while sipping that delicious coffee drink, kombucha or tea.  

11.  Do a quick Valentine workout.  Valentine’s Day is 2-14. Do 2 sets of 14 reps of air squats, push-ups, and walking lunges.  You will feel energized!  Not up for an intense workout? Do some yoga poses and stretch.  

12.  Write 14 things you are grateful for today.  Seeing the good things in your life is a gift and creates a feeling of abundance.  

13.  Buy an adult coloring book with colored pencils and relax while coloring.  

14.  Say “NO” to an obligation and to people pleasing today.  Say "YES" to you.

This Valentines Day truly treat your body well without sugar.  You will have no need to "start over" the day after and there will be no post holiday guilt over eating sugar. 

I hope you continue to do these things for yourselves as weekly self care rituals.  Nourishing our souls and minds is just as important as nourishing our bodies.

Happy Valentine’s Day and be well!

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