its not just about the food

Kim Hynes Health & Wellness Blog

If you are looking for food freedom, peace with your body and ways to elevate your health without all the rules, you are in the right place.

You can have progress in your health journey and be kind to yourself and have fun all at the same time.

Posts tagged Health
Meet Your Health Goals With Intentional Rest

Chronic stress, that comes from your constant pursuit of doing more, not only affects you physically but also takes a toll on your mental health. Your body may feel like it's breaking down and you become less motivated to work out and move because you are so worn out.  Your mind can become cluttered and your thoughts become negative when you are too busy and constantly stressed.  You may not even realize the underlying stress until you are halfway through the wine, chips or cookies.

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I can smell the coffee: my habit, my evolution and my love for coffee

I can smell the coffee now. I can’t even remember when my real love affair with coffee began.  It was definitely an evolution. From instant coffee to organic whole beans, I have evolved into a coffee snob. There are ups and downs to being a coffee lover.

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Eating Out and Choosing Healthy Food is a Mindset

Whatever your reason for going out, there are some ways to help you stay on track. Restaurant food tastes great, but often it’s because of the ingredients they are adding to make it so flavorful and they are not always good for us. There are very healthy options that you can choose that taste great, but also keep you on track and guilt free.

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It's the Fight of Your Life: Health vs. Diets

Diets are a trap.  They are very restrictive and we always think about what we can NOT have. By human nature, when we are told not to do something, we are tempted to do it even more.  When we are too restrictive, we set ourselves up for failure and will fall off the wagon even faster and harder. 


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Health Train Gone Off The Tracks?

I have fallen off the workout wagon this month. I love to workout, so what happened? Like so many people, I got sick during the winter season and had to take time off. I probably actually needed the break. I have been attempting to get back into a routine with both my nutrition and exercise, but the more time I take off, the harder it is to return to full speed. You know how it goes...low motivation, no energy, and then caffeine and sugar become the pick me up. I found myself making excuses instead of making the appointments with my friends as I did in the past. 

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