its not just about the food

Kim Hynes Health & Wellness Blog

If you are looking for food freedom, peace with your body and ways to elevate your health without all the rules, you are in the right place.

You can have progress in your health journey and be kind to yourself and have fun all at the same time.

Posts tagged healthy food
Beyond the Scale: New Year's Resolutions that Truly Matter for Women Over 40

Traditionally, these resolutions often revolve around losing weight, hitting the gym every day, or sticking to strict diets. But let's be honest, how often do these resolutions actually stick? Over 50% of women will be off their plan by March.  And more importantly, do they genuinely add value to our lives?

This year, I want to share a different approach that actually ADD to your life, especially for  women over 40. It's about time you shift your focus from resolutions that often stem from societal pressures to those that truly enrich your life.  

Let's talk about anti-resolution resolutions. These aren't about depriving yourself or setting unrealistic standards. Instead, they’re about adding joy, strength, and wellness to your life in a sustainable and fulfilling way.

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How Self-love is a Game Changer in Your Midlife Health Journey

I was doing “all the things”.  I was running, lifting weights, eating a whole food diet, but I still wasn’t feeling healthy, energized or myself.  I felt disconnected and checked out.

Self-love is understanding your needs and allowing yourself the necessary time and structure to take care of yourself.

Self-love is the glue that holds all of your health together. It's the secret ingredient that makes every choice, every habit, and every action more potent, doable and even enjoyable.

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To Breakfast or Not Breakfast: How intermittent fasting may work for you

With intermittent fasting being all the rage, what’s right for you? Find out more about the reasons behind fasting and whether or not it’s appropriate for weight loss and longevity. Learn about listening to your hunger cues and choosing a health plan that’s right for you. As women over 40 and possibly going through menopause, is intermittent fasting right for you? Find our here.

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Why did I walk in this room? How eating and lifestyle habits affect your brain health.

Ever ask yourself, “Why did I walk in this room”? June is Alzheimer’s and brain awareness month. Find out how eating and lifestyle factors can help you change and improve your brain health.

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Hey Valentine! Treat yourself without candy and food

Do ever feel like it’s hard to stay on track from Halloween to Valentine’s Day? We use all these moments and holidays as reasons to indulge, but what if we can take care of ourselves without candy, cake, cupcakes and Valentine treats? When we indulge over and over again, it becomes a habit and it’s hard to kick the cravings. It's a vicious cycle.

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I can smell the coffee: my habit, my evolution and my love for coffee

I can smell the coffee now. I can’t even remember when my real love affair with coffee began.  It was definitely an evolution. From instant coffee to organic whole beans, I have evolved into a coffee snob. There are ups and downs to being a coffee lover.

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Chase the health and the body will follow

I tried every diet just to be thin and only got short term results. When we change our focus to what is even more important than our outer bodies which is our health, inner spirit and our mindset, we are more likely to have success, feel better and make lasting changes. Starting with our health on a cellular level and looking at how we actually FEEL can be a game changer.

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Eating Out and Choosing Healthy Food is a Mindset

Whatever your reason for going out, there are some ways to help you stay on track. Restaurant food tastes great, but often it’s because of the ingredients they are adding to make it so flavorful and they are not always good for us. There are very healthy options that you can choose that taste great, but also keep you on track and guilt free.

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