its not just about the food

Kim Hynes Health & Wellness Blog

If you are looking for food freedom, peace with your body and ways to elevate your health without all the rules, you are in the right place.

You can have progress in your health journey and be kind to yourself and have fun all at the same time.

Posts tagged eating habits
10 spring cleaning ideas for your mind and body

We get that urge to open the windows and clean out our homes, but what about our minds and bodies? We can also go through a spring cleaning to jump start our health in this magnificent season. Here are 10 spring cleaning ideas for your mind and body.

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Tips to reduce emotional eating using positive self talk

When you struggle with emotional and binge eating, negative self-talk will only further the shame, guilt and self sabotage. The mind and body hear every word you say, but you can learn how to change those negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Check out 5 tips to reduce emotional eating using positive self-talk.

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The late night sweet/salty cycle: Why you binge in the evening and 10 ways to stop it.

You had such a nourishing day and then, out of nowhere, you are having a late night binge. You are going back and forth between the sweet and salty flavors, feeling guilty and ashamed. It’s not all your fault. Find out why you are so vulnerable in the evening and 10 tips to stop the evening binge.

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Why did I walk in this room? How eating and lifestyle habits affect your brain health.

Ever ask yourself, “Why did I walk in this room”? June is Alzheimer’s and brain awareness month. Find out how eating and lifestyle factors can help you change and improve your brain health.

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Eating Out and Choosing Healthy Food is a Mindset

Whatever your reason for going out, there are some ways to help you stay on track. Restaurant food tastes great, but often it’s because of the ingredients they are adding to make it so flavorful and they are not always good for us. There are very healthy options that you can choose that taste great, but also keep you on track and guilt free.

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