its not just about the food

Kim Hynes Health & Wellness Blog

If you are looking for food freedom, peace with your body and ways to elevate your health without all the rules, you are in the right place.

You can have progress in your health journey and be kind to yourself and have fun all at the same time.

10 spring cleaning ideas for your mind and body

Springtime is so special.  Plants and trees are coming back to life.  The colors of flowers blooming and the scents remind us of being alive.

You can also feel that way when you reboot your health in the spring.  The temperatures are more pleasant and we are seeing more daylight.  It’s a perfect time to refresh and renew our minds and bodies.


We get that urge to open the windows and clean out our homes, but what about our minds and bodies?  We can also go through a spring cleaning to jump start our health in this magnificent season.

Here are some ways to spring clean your mind and body:

  1. Fill up on local and seasonal food.  Try to use the local markets and produce stands.  Not only are you supporting local farms and business, but you are eating food that is picked at the peak of ripeness which is full of flavor and nutrients.

  2. The days are longer so outdoor activity is so much easier.  Walking, biking and movement  boosts your mood and circulation. With longer days, you can walk after dinner which can help stabilize your blood sugar and improve digestion.

  3. Drink your water.  You may tend to drink less water when it’s cool so make sure you track your water this spring.  Hydration will help you feel alert, help with cravings, reduce headaches, make your skin glow and clean you up from the inside out.  Drink from reusable bottles instead of plastic.

  4. Plant herbs, flowers or a garden.  Being outside and soaking up the sun is amazing for your daily rhythm and getting your vitamin D..  Sleep and a regular sleep schedule are easier when you are able to get sunlight exposure during the day.  Grounding and feeling the soil in your hands is very therapeutic.  You see the fruits of your labor when your healthy garden grows. 

  5. Declutter your home and office.  Cleaning out and minimizing can improve your mental health, reduce mental fatigue and create more space for you.  It can help you feel calmer and more in control. It will make you feel positive and that you are moving forward.

  6. Clean out expired and old products including food, spices, condiments, makeup, lotions and consider buying more organic food, local produce and fresh food and trying non toxic skin products.   Consider using essential oils instead of chemical air fresheners and cleaners.

  7. Make a list of doctor, dentist, health coaching, therapy  and skin appointments and get them set up for the spring.  Taking care of you includes staying on top of your checkups.  Procrastination weighs heavy on our minds.  When you sit down and take 30 minutes to set up your appointments, all you have to do next is show up and let the doctors and coaches take over.

  8. Sleep is where your body can recover and rejuvenate for each day.  It’s so important for your brain and hormones to have time to reset. With longer days, you may have to be diligent about getting settled in and getting to bed on time.  Get up earlier and see daylight right away to set your daily clock.  Make sure to get off electronics at night and eat 2-3 hours before bedtime.

  9. Consider more outdoor experiences and without your phone like walking or sitting outside.  Mindfulness of the  spring season can help you mentally by getting away from the news, social media and constant notifications.  Sit outside and listen to the sounds.  You can be so much more present without your phone dinging and feeling like you have to return every text right away.  Without the constant reminder, you can reduce feelings of anxiety.

  10. Springtime is a great time to add a gratitude practice.  Gratitude increases your ability to see abundance in all parts of your life daily.  When you feel gratitude,  you lower your cortisol levels which cause you to feel more stressed.  Start with 3-5 things every day.  Write them down in a journal.  When you are struggling to find things to be grateful for, read your old lists.

The bottom line in healthy spring cleaning is to put yourself on your to do list everyday. Consider a morning routine that you do everyday to jump start your day.  Include some of the items above.  Perhaps you drink a glass of water every morning, journal, walk or exercise, and create a gratitude list.

Pick some small, manageable and doable goals for your health.  Whatever your goals, write it down and write why you want to change this habit.  Pick one thing at a time, do it every day and when you feel good about it, add another goal. 

A positive way to change is by ADDING something rather than taking it out.  Have an extra glass of water each day, enjoy an extra vegetable or just complete 10 minutes of walking. You got this!

Happy Spring for your mind and body!

Be well,
